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Nafees & Masoud Medical Supplies Co. LLC

Tell No.: +971 4 2665508



Nafees and Masoud Medical Supplies Co L.L.C. was established in Dubai in the year 2003. The company has built on the experiences of two major companies that have established activities in the Middle East (Nafees International for Consultations & Medical Equipment’s and Masoud Establishment for Medical and Scientific Supplies) which are known for their services to hospitals and laboratories.

Nafees and Masoud Medical Supplies Co. L.L.C. current activities are related to laboratories working in the field of diagnostics and research. We are well known in supplying the new products of life sciences needed in nucleic acid analysis and genetics. In addition, we distribute other diagnostic products (serology), instruments and disposables. The staff has wide combinations of expertise in different areas including molecular biology, biotechnology, medical laboratories and research & academic laboratories. Our interests are in importing, marketing and distributing all required materials by the different laboratories such as diagnostic kits, molecular research supplies, instruments and disposables in the fast-growing UAE markets and the surrounding countries.

NMMS was established with paid-partner shares with a 51% owned by a local UAE Citizen. Company is rapidly growing compared to others of similar interests.


We are interested in importing, marketing and distributing all materials and supplies required by the different types of laboratories, for example:
• Molecular Biology Products.
• Clinical Diagnostics
• Laboratory Instruments & their accessories
• Molecular, Immunological
• Medical Diagnostic Kits
• Laboratory Chemicals
• Glassware and Disposable